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Welcome to Interactive Insight Innervation
The home of KLP Oracle of the 7
The Place to find The Magnotelepathic Alignment TM

Reveal the Divine Purpose of Your Life


This "ALL THE SEVENS METHOD" 7 DAY CHALLENGE has become one of my most popular services, with clients from near and far scheduling sessions with me. During this special service, clients will be able to connect with their own spiritual self guides, to form a connection with the divine world. 

Curious to learn more? 

Get in touch with me to see how you can. benefit from working with me today.



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Home: Testimonials
Type Writer

I had a massive writers block Kelly removed this after a short 21 minute call as we retraced the issue in an artistic release session

My writing has taken off like a Rocket now

I am grateful and highly recommend Kelly and her Unique Art Therapy


Sally Walker



The Gateway into your Innermost Artistic Experience You can trust

I find so much joy in helping my clients reach their highest potential.
My Unique Artistic guidance comes from a deep soul level and unconditional love.
My clients find that the channeled message they receive provides extremely helpful and healing guidance.
Take a look at all of the services I offer below, and start connecting with the outside universe today.

Soul blueprint artwork profiles channeled for individuals

Lets delve into your innermost feelings, helping you sort out current issues in your life. 

Changing your life’s path for the better is now possible. 

Don’t leave it to chance, and get the information you’ve been seeking through my esoteric, Akashic and telemagnetic Artwork regarding your family, love life, fertility, relationships, finances, career, health, and so much more. 

Get in touch with me to schedule your personalised blueprint appointment.


Explore our store and book a session to learn more

Contact me today to set up a quick call to see if we are a match to assist your life journey.


"The path you walk does not define you, Your intention whilst you walk that path is your end result"​

Kelly Louise Parker

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What is your Unique Blueprint ?

Do you Know Thyself or Did you Find You Find Source, 

Did I hear you say "Oh I've heard of that or I'd love to know more" well it just so happens I can assist you

As a Professional Intuitive Blueprint Analyst and Specializing in Closure and release

Its my pleasure and honor to be here for you on your journey

As the founder of

All the Sevens Method © some know it as Source code 7 that begins with our

FREE 7 day challenge ...

I ask you .......


After beginning our 7 day challenge I welcome you to come and try our

All the sevens Method this self discovery session Takes up to 42 minutes in a one on one personalised for just you with me,

Where we explore in depth all that you are and can be,

I provide you with the most valuable and essential information about your own vibration/frequency whilst you travel this journey we all call life ...

My program is based on the facts of Sacred geometry, human design, meditation and how energy vibrates at a quantum level thus creating said frequency that is you,

together we go thru your Current reality, your desired reality, your Identities/avatars and what actions you can implement in your daily structure to achieve your ultimate recall of self,

Our issues are stored in Our tissues

In life we will be offered Blue Moon Opportunities

7 Days following this we receive universal Signs


I have studied this for over 21 years now ...


The accuracy and Efficacy has and is proven time and time again ...

I invite you to take time to try our 7 day challenge and allow your mind to open ready for your inner or self knowing field of existence...

I'm here when you're ready to receive your vibrations/ frequency alignment ...


My goal Expanding Wisdom, Kindness, Love, Peace of mind, Unity, Health and Harmony your way

Home: About Me

Contact Me

Are you looking for answers, or perhaps would like to receive a confirmation your life is on the right track? Whatever the reason may be, you’ve come to the right place.
I love helping people develop the tools they need to cope with all of life’s challenges, and I get great satisfaction from seeing them heal and thrive.
Contact me today and let the healing process begin.

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LOCATION Australia

CONTACT US +61459381626

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